Apple Car What is it and why is it so eagerly awaited by users? 

by | Jan 23, 2023

What we know about the Apple Car 

For years Tesla has positioned itself as a benchmark for electric cars and there is still no company that makes direct competition, however with the announcement of the Apple Car design this may change, because the apple company is very clear, not only plans to design electric cars but plans to design the best autonomous electric cars that are better than those manufactured by Elon Musk’s company. 

Apple announced a few years ago that it was working on the design of an electric car, although the details of the project have come out in dribs and drabs, we know from the details that have been leaked that this car will be a revolution in the automotive industry, so today we will tell you what is known and why the Apple Car is so expected. 

Project Titan 

In 2014 one of Apple’s most ambitious projects came to light, the Titan project, although officially it was not openly said what it was focused on, we know from the engineers they hire that this division of the company aims to design a smart car that makes competition to Tesla. 

The Titan project is still being conducted in a very secretive manner, but the little information that does come to light only sets expectations very high for what we can expect.  

According to the leaked information, it was thought that the project was focused on designing a level 5 autonomous car, i.e. completely independent, however everything indicates that the company’s plans have been reduced. In fact at some point it was speculated that they were only going to design a simple autonomous software platform for other manufacturers. A few months ago, information was leaked again indicating that Apple is not giving up on the idea of creating its own autonomous and electric car, in fact it was suggested that this car would be released in 2025.  

As far as we know the project has not been so easy, for the apple company because from 2014 to now they have fired more than 200 workers from the Titan project and have hired the most outstanding engineers from their competitors such as BMV, Tesla and Mercedez.  

Apple Car the iPhone of cars 

Despite the difficulties that have arisen in the Titan project, one thing is certain and that is that Apple will not be satisfied until the design of its autonomous car has the same impact on the automotive world as the launch of the iPhone in 2007 had on the cell phone world. 

Apple not only seeks to bring to market one more smart car, with the design of Apple Car plans to solve the problems that usually present this type of cars, so it is betting on two key aspects to make the charging system more efficient and achieve greater autonomy, even raises the possibility that the company’s design reaches the desired level 5 of autonomy.  


The battery will be the differentiating factor in Apple Cars 

As far as we know, one of the most important factors, if not the most important, is the battery that definitely poses a revolution, as far as electric cars are concerned.  

Apple is proposing a unique mono-cell battery design, which aims to save space inside by eliminating individual modules. This would reduce production costs, but more importantly it would increase the vehicle’s range as it could store more energy in the same volume. According to CNBC this battery is a significant improvement in electric cars. It is also expected that this car will be equipped to be charged at any of the existing fast charging centers. 

The desired level of autonomy 5  

According to some leaks, Apple is betting everything on achieving complete autonomy, so for a long time there was speculation about the possibility of designing a car without a steering wheel and without pedals, i.e. a car with autonomy 5. 

By August 2021 it was obvious that Apple was testing autonomous driving systems, as they had 69 vehicles on the streets of California doing all kinds of tests to feed the database of the AI in charge of autonomous driving. 

However, as exciting as it may seem, it is certain that Apple has given up on this advance, as current technology does not allow a level higher than a 2 or 3, so it is most likely that Apple’s car will only allow autonomous driving on the road and not in the city and of course it will have steering wheel and pedals like the rest of the current smart cars.   

What is certain is that the interior will be equipped with Apple’s patent-registered intelligent automated assistant technology. This technology allows the car to respond to direct requests and commands, monitor the environment and make changes and recommendations without notice from the driver, and also includes a screen on the dashboard showing the performance of the Apple car. This fully touch-sensitive panel could adapt the car to the driver’s requirements, such as playlists, seating position or predetermined routes. 

Who will manufacture the Apple Car 

It is well known that Apple hires different companies to manufacture and assemble their different products, so in a project as large and inexperienced as the manufacture of a car, it is expected that they would also hire a company with expertise in car assembly. 

Different names of possible partners that could meet the expectations of building the new car have been discussed. One of the most talked about is Hyundai through its subsidiary KIA Motors, but the companies themselves have denied it. Renowned Western companies such as BMW and Renault have also been mentioned. 

How it will look 

If there is something that we do not know completely is precisely what will be the appearance of the Apple car, this has given a variety of speculations about the possible design, many of them are quite futuristic designs. 

Thanks to the patents registered by Apple, the automotive company Vanarama made a 3D model of Apple’s prototype. 

According to this model, the vehicle will be a white SUV. In the front it would have a grille similar to the ventilation system of the Mac Pro, in this area would also be iconic logo of the apple, which would also adorn the rims and the back of the trunk. 

One of the most striking design details is the doors, as both the rear and front doors would be inverted in order to facilitate the loading and movement of passengers. 

Also, it is expected that the system can be personalized according to the driver, so if you share your car with a friend, family or partner, it could use digital signatures to automatically recognize the driver and thus modify destinations and music, among other things. 

When will it go on sale and how much will it cost? 

One of the most speculated data is when the production of the Apple car will start. First there was talk about the possibility of starting production until 2026, but according to some leaks, if everything goes as planned, production would start in 2025 or could even start in 2024. 

According to iDropNews the Apple card could cost around $100,000 USD, aiming to target a specific niche and start building a reputation to compete with brands like Tesla. 

So everything seems to indicate that it won’t take long to finally see one of the most revolutionary cars in history. What do you think this Apple car will mark before and after in the automotive industry or we will have to wait longer to see this technology become popular. 

What we know about the Apple Car 

For years Tesla has positioned itself as a benchmark for electric cars and there is still no company that makes direct competition, however with the announcement of the Apple Car design this may change, because the apple company is very clear, not only plans to design electric cars but plans to design the best autonomous electric cars that are better than those manufactured by Elon Musk’s company. 

Apple announced a few years ago that it was working on the design of an electric car, although the details of the project have come out in dribs and drabs, we know from the details that have been leaked that this car will be a revolution in the automotive industry, so today we will tell you what is known and why the Apple Car is so expected. 

Project Titan 

In 2014 one of Apple’s most ambitious projects came to light, the Titan project, although officially it was not openly said what it was focused on, we know from the engineers they hire that this division of the company aims to design a smart car that makes competition to Tesla. 

The Titan project is still being conducted in a very secretive manner, but the little information that does come to light only sets expectations very high for what we can expect.  

According to the leaked information, it was thought that the project was focused on designing a level 5 autonomous car, i.e. completely independent, however everything indicates that the company’s plans have been reduced. In fact at some point it was speculated that they were only going to design a simple autonomous software platform for other manufacturers. A few months ago, information was leaked again indicating that Apple is not giving up on the idea of creating its own autonomous and electric car, in fact it was suggested that this car would be released in 2025.  

As far as we know the project has not been so easy, for the apple company because from 2014 to now they have fired more than 200 workers from the Titan project and have hired the most outstanding engineers from their competitors such as BMV, Tesla and Mercedez.  

Apple Car the iPhone of cars 

Despite the difficulties that have arisen in the Titan project, one thing is certain and that is that Apple will not be satisfied until the design of its autonomous car has the same impact on the automotive world as the launch of the iPhone in 2007 had on the cell phone world. 

Apple not only seeks to bring to market one more smart car, with the design of Apple Car plans to solve the problems that usually present this type of cars, so it is betting on two key aspects to make the charging system more efficient and achieve greater autonomy, even raises the possibility that the company’s design reaches the desired level 5 of autonomy.  


The battery will be the differentiating factor in Apple Cars 

As far as we know, one of the most important factors, if not the most important, is the battery that definitely poses a revolution, as far as electric cars are concerned.  

Apple is proposing a unique mono-cell battery design, which aims to save space inside by eliminating individual modules. This would reduce production costs, but more importantly it would increase the vehicle’s range as it could store more energy in the same volume. According to CNBC this battery is a significant improvement in electric cars. It is also expected that this car will be equipped to be charged at any of the existing fast charging centers. 

The desired level of autonomy 5  

According to some leaks, Apple is betting everything on achieving complete autonomy, so for a long time there was speculation about the possibility of designing a car without a steering wheel and without pedals, i.e. a car with autonomy 5. 

By August 2021 it was obvious that Apple was testing autonomous driving systems, as they had 69 vehicles on the streets of California doing all kinds of tests to feed the database of the AI in charge of autonomous driving. 

However, as exciting as it may seem, it is certain that Apple has given up on this advance, as current technology does not allow a level higher than a 2 or 3, so it is most likely that Apple’s car will only allow autonomous driving on the road and not in the city and of course it will have steering wheel and pedals like the rest of the current smart cars.   

What is certain is that the interior will be equipped with Apple’s patent-registered intelligent automated assistant technology. This technology allows the car to respond to direct requests and commands, monitor the environment and make changes and recommendations without notice from the driver, and also includes a screen on the dashboard showing the performance of the Apple car. This fully touch-sensitive panel could adapt the car to the driver’s requirements, such as playlists, seating position or predetermined routes. 

Who will manufacture the Apple Car 

It is well known that Apple hires different companies to manufacture and assemble their different products, so in a project as large and inexperienced as the manufacture of a car, it is expected that they would also hire a company with expertise in car assembly. 

Different names of possible partners that could meet the expectations of building the new car have been discussed. One of the most talked about is Hyundai through its subsidiary KIA Motors, but the companies themselves have denied it. Renowned Western companies such as BMW and Renault have also been mentioned. 

How it will look 

If there is something that we do not know completely is precisely what will be the appearance of the Apple car, this has given a variety of speculations about the possible design, many of them are quite futuristic designs. 

Thanks to the patents registered by Apple, the automotive company Vanarama made a 3D model of Apple’s prototype. 

According to this model, the vehicle will be a white SUV. In the front it would have a grille similar to the ventilation system of the Mac Pro, in this area would also be iconic logo of the apple, which would also adorn the rims and the back of the trunk. 

One of the most striking design details is the doors, as both the rear and front doors would be inverted in order to facilitate the loading and movement of passengers. 

Also, it is expected that the system can be personalized according to the driver, so if you share your car with a friend, family or partner, it could use digital signatures to automatically recognize the driver and thus modify destinations and music, among other things. 

When will it go on sale and how much will it cost? 

One of the most speculated data is when the production of the Apple car will start. First there was talk about the possibility of starting production until 2026, but according to some leaks, if everything goes as planned, production would start in 2025 or could even start in 2024. 

According to iDropNews the Apple card could cost around $100,000 USD, aiming to target a specific niche and start building a reputation to compete with brands like Tesla. 

So everything seems to indicate that it won’t take long to finally see one of the most revolutionary cars in history. What do you think this Apple car will mark before and after in the automotive industry or we will have to wait longer to see this technology become popular. 

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