Make your online store work with email marketing 

by | Jan 3, 2023

Email marketing keys for your online store 

Having an online store is the best way to scale your business and can be the best experience if you manage to attract the necessary traffic and sales. One of the most profitable and secure ways to increase sales is through email marketing, so today we want to show you how to implement email marketing campaigns in your online store. 

Email marketing is the best way to have an open communication channel with your frequent customers, but it is also an excellent way to attract visitors to your website, and it is also an excellent strategy to introduce a new product. Just by starting an email marketing software you will be generating sales automatically, but the best thing to do is always to plan a campaign and today we will give you the best tips to do it.  

What is email marketing 

Email marketing is the practice of sending emails to a database of contacts who may be your prospects or potential customers, with specific objectives such as making a sale, presenting a product or customer loyalty. Email is considered a digital communication strategy and a direct marketing channel. 

In other words, email marketing can be summarized as a marketing strategy that is targeted and focused on presenting offers and opening communication channels with potential customers through emails. 

1.- Define your target audience 

The first step to a successful email marketing campaign is to define your target audience. Remember that to define this target audience you must be able to report demographic characteristics of these people: e.g. age, marital status, gender, where they live. You must also determine their interests and tastes. This information will be very important to determine the tone and type of messages to send. 

Knowing your audience is always an important part of making a sale, so it will also be essential in a communication channel such as email marketing. 

2.- Create a template or design 

Any email marketing strategy needs to have a structure, where our image, our text and calls to action should go. Here our advice is to implement neuromarketing strategies in the template so that your customer opens and follows the links in your email. 

Usually if you have created your online store with the help of Tiendanube, Magento or Shopify you will have access to an email marketing platform which will allow you to use or edit an already established template. You can also hire the services of a specialized third-party software, we will recommend the best ones later on. 

This way you can send mass mailings with the certainty that they will have all the information your customer needs to access the online store and buy. 

3.- Generate content 

This is a fundamental part of communicating assertively with our client. At the end of the day, the purchase will depend on how convincing our text was. 

For better accuracy and create the optimal content you must classify the types of target that your email should have. In this sense, we have four types of objective; on the one hand we have email with the objective of presenting special offers promotions, this type of email will be promoted during special times, such as Black Friday, Christmas or the Buen Fin. Here the content should guide the buyer to make a purchase.  

Another objective is the launching of new products, the content for this type of email should not focus on selling, but on presenting the new product or service, the most important thing is that the customer goes to our online store to learn more about the product.  

The third type of email is to offer coupons or discounts in this type of email the content should focus on presenting the discount or coupon with the objective of getting the customer to make a purchase. It is usually sent to users who have been inactive for a long time or to frequent customers.  

The fourth type of email has the objective of recovering the shopping cart, the content here should focus on convincing the customer to complete the purchase that has been left in the middle of the process. 

Elements that cannot be missing in your content 

No matter what the objective of your email is, there are three elements that can’t be missing for every email to be a guaranteed success. 

  • Subject that generates impact: think that your customer receives hundreds of emails a day and the first contact they have with them is the subject line, so you have to make your email stand out through the subject line, generating impact so that the customer finally opens it. The subject line in your email is like thumbnails on YouTube. 
  • Images or video: there is nothing more eye-catching than an image or a video, so try to add an image or multimedia content in the body of your email, so that after opening it the client does not close it or send it directly to the trash and stays reading it. 
  • Call to action: at the end of the day, all emails have a call to action and this must be very clear in your content. 

Plan your shipments 

The email marketing platform you select will do the job automatically, especially in shopping cart recovery emails, or new product launches. 

However, you have to plan your mailings to achieve certain objectives or to stand out during special seasons such as Christmas. The planning of your email marketing campaign should be based on well-defined, measurable and time-bound objectives. When you have well defined objectives you can create a strategy. 

Track your metrics 

Everything you can measure, you can improve, if you have clear statistics about your campaign you can take measures to improve it, to solve problems or improve when you are not reaching the expected results. 

The metrics that you should take into account in your email marketing campaigns are the following: 

  • Open rate: this metric tells us how many people have opened our emails, imagine that your database is 100 people and that of those 100 only 20 opened the emails, this means that the open rate is 20%. 
  • The second metric that you should take into account is the bounce rate, here we are talking about how many people do not receive the mail either because they changed their email, or because we have a bad address. 
  • The third metric is the number of CTR or click-through rate, this metric tells us how many people click on any of the links that are included in our email. 
  • The fourth metric is the conversion rate, which is probably the most important since it indicates the percentage of people who, after receiving one of our emails, made a purchase. 

Having a clear understanding of the parameters of these metrics in your business, you will be able to make the corresponding adjustments. 

Email marketing software 

Thanks to technology you will not have to do all the email marketing work on your own, because the platform where you created your online store can help you with that, however there are also third party software that can boost your results, these are some of the best known. 

  • MailChimp: is one of the most popular software. Its free version reaches 2,000 subscribers and 12,000 emails sent, so you can start with it and you will have very good results. 
  • GetResponse: this software is widely used by marketers because in addition to email marketing, it offers other marketing automation services, such as the creation of landing pages or workflows. Its cheapest plan is 12 € per month for 1,000 subscribers.  
  • Active Campaign: one of the best software for e-commerce, because it has several options to automate specific for online stores. For example, sending an email when a cart is abandoned or a coupon when a subscriber is inactive in the list. Go to Active Campaign. 
  • MailRelay: in addition to being 100% in Spanish, in its free version it allows you to send 75,000 mailings and have 15,000 subscribers. It also includes the option of creating autoresponders without having to pay for it. Go to MailRelay.  


Having an online store and not doing email marketing campaigns is to miss the opportunity to increase your sales, because according to experts this increase is between 20 or 40% but it is not the only advantage for your store. Email marketing also helps you to create loyalty among your customers. What other advantages do you think email marketing has for your online store? 

Don't be left behind!

The next step is to register your .MX domain