Operational Policies
Advisory Committee

During the first Committee meeting in 2001, the importance of this group was identified and its reach was clarified, with which certain rules of operation for the Committee were established, subsequently, they have been revised and updated and are as follows:
The goal for this group is to be a consultation organ, oriented to discuss policy and strategic topics in order to deliver recommendations for NIC México, that contribute to reach its goals, with the intent to support the strengthening of NIC México, as well as the development of internet in Mexico.
The Consultative Committee will be formed by 15 members representing a broad and diverse spectrum of the internet community. THe members will be selected by diverse sectors, among them: Industry, Academia and Government. Members will participate in ther personal capacity and need to be willing to devote time and effort to the Committee in an honorary manner, aside from proving to have experience with de Domain Name System.
Membership Terms
For the initial designation of terms for each member, tiered periods will be asigned for up to 3 years. A third of the members will serve for 3 years, another third will serve for 2 years, and the rest will serve for 1 year. After the initial designation, new members will be elected for 3 year periods.
Nomination & Member Selection
For each period of membership admission to the Consultative Committee, NIC Mexico´s General Director will propose to the Governing Board, the list of nominees for evaluation. The Council will issue their approval or rejections of the nominees until the maximum number of committee members is reached.
The Consultative Committee will celebrate on site meetings sor by teleconference, with at least 15 days notice. Additionally, the Committee will be able to communicate via email throughout the discussion lists held for this purpose.
Don't be left behind!
The next step is to register your .MX domain