8 Tips to improve the interaction and views of your reels

8 Tips to improve the interaction and views of your reels

Reels are the content of the moment; short videos are increasingly competing for the public's attention, that's why they can't be left out of your marketing strategy, and today we're going to help you increase the interaction of your reels and of course the views....

8 steps to use Instagram in your business

8 steps to use Instagram in your business

If you are looking for the best network for your business, this post will interest you, because we are going to explain how to use Instagram to boost your business. Among all the social networks, Instagram is the best for business, and we are going to explain why....

Marketing strategies for generation Z

Marketing strategies for generation Z

Generation Z is currently one of the most important segments of the market, however capturing their attention can be a bit complicated, so today we want to show you how brands manage to capture the attention of generation Z. According to Forbes, generation Z, also...

Security tips for surfing the Internet

Security tips for surfing the Internet

Nowadays, we have more and more sensitive data on the Internet and this makes us more vulnerable, asking yourself how to be protected on the Internet while surfing is not a question that is not superfluous and today we are going to help you to solve it with some tips...

This is the story of Fer

This is the story of Fer

I had already had the idea of starting a business in my head for some time, I just didn't dare... I thought it was too risky. With the pandemic, at my work they sent us all to work from home. You can imagine how complicated it was at first for me, because I have a 3...

Advantages of branding for your business

Advantages of branding for your business

Do you know what branding is, and what is the importance of branding? If you are not sure of your answer you should not worry because this is one of the concepts that can be more ambiguous, so today we are going to explore it and especially show the importance it has...

Know the benefits of having an .mx domain

Know the benefits of having an .mx domain

If you have already decided to create your own website and you are starting to select the name of your domain, you might have doubts about the differences between a .com and a .mx domain. If this is your situation, continue reading because this post has the objective...

Advantages and disadvantages of digital media for startups

Advantages and disadvantages of digital media for startups

Every day we are more connected to the digital world, however in a world so connected and with so much supply you may be confused about what are the best digital media to use in your venture, so today we will review the advantages and disadvantages of the different...

Importance of making a Customer Journey Map in your business

Importance of making a Customer Journey Map in your business

According to recent studies, companies that care about understanding how users interact with the buying process and why they buy one product and not another are more likely to succeed, for this there are several tools you can use. Today, we will show you the...